Chairman of the Board of Directors

Martin Sasinek

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

“ I see the Slovak Compliance Circle as the right platform for promoting the principles of Ethics and Integrity in the business environment. It is necessary to actively participate in the development of this important aspect of business. Within the association I want to promote wider cooperation with successful Slovak companies, entrepreneurs and startups.“

Board of Directors

Dušan Nitschneider

Partner, NITSCHNEIDER&PARTNERS, advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

„We have been taught to follow the rules since kindergarten. The SCC brings together a group of people who have not forgotten to follow the rules and ethical standards and consider it important to follow them. Only in this way will we move forward as individuals, but also as a society.“

Board of Directors

Lucia Rosiarová

Head Compliance Financial Crime Intelligence & Reinsurance Slovakia, Swiss Re

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative? 

„Adhering to the applicable legal and regulatory requirements in business is a must. What forms the industry leaders, however, is the commitment to the highest ethical standards and integrity. The SCC actively promotes these values and supports their implementation into internal processes of all businesses, regardless of their size.“

Board of Directors

Martina Gavalec

Partner, CMS Slovakia, international lawfirm

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

„Fair play, integrity and ethics are the pillars of a healthy and dynamic business environment, while the SCC creates space for their active support. The SCC is therefore an important platform that supports raising awareness of compliance and at the same time discussing the balance between regulation and innovation, thus strengthening the culture of compliance in Slovakia.“

Board of Directors

Martin Podkonický

Head Of Legal, Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia s.r.o.

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

“ I consider integrity, decency and fairness to be the most important values. I see Slovak Compliance Circle as a platform within which we can develop activities and projects aimed at better anchoring these values ​​in our business environment.“

Board of Directors

Martin Jacko

Attorney at law and managing partner in Lansky, Ganzger, Jacko & Partner in Bratislava and Prague

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

“Even nowadays ethics, fairness and integrity are crucial values which must not be omitted in business. My goal is to actively raise the level of business ethics and help to promote international standards of compliance while taking into account legal and cultural specifics of the Slovak business environment.“

Board of Directors

Peter Bianchi

Head of Legal, Compliance & Risk-Management, Volkswagen Slovakia

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

„Compliance and business ethics cultivates trust between companies and their employees, clients and other stakeholders. And without trust, there is no business.“

General Secretary of the BoD

Katarína Bairová

General Secretary of the Board of Directors, Slovak Compliance Circle

Why do I consider the SCC an important initiative?

„Morality and ethics are among the basic human values. I also feel that ethics and compliance should be deeply rooted in corporate culture.  Slovak Compliance Circle through its activities, helps to build an ethical business environment in Slovakia.“


Martin Sasinek


Dušan Nitschneider

Partner, NITSCHNEIDER&PARTNERS, advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.


Lucia Rosiarová

Head Compliance Financial Crime Intelligence & Reinsurance Slovakia, Swiss Re


Martina Gavalec

Partner, CMS Slovakia, international lawfirm


Martin Podkonický

Head Of Legal, Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia s.r.o.


Martin Jacko

Attorney at law and managing partner in Lansky, Ganzger, Jacko & Partner in Bratislava and Prague


Peter Bianchi

Head of Legal, Compliance & Risk-Management, Volkswagen Slovakia


Katarína Bairová

General Secretary of the Board of Directors, Slovak Compliance Circle
