Memorandum of cooperation

Memorandum of mutual cooperation with universities and organizations confirm the common interest and will to develop the value orientation, professional ethics and education of students and to raise awareness of business ethics and ethical principles. Our main goal is cooperation with the academic community, where we focus mainly on the development of students‘ professional skills. We cooperate with several universities in Slovakia and we are looking forward to a wide cooperation with SCC. We realize that the benefits of practical education for students are important. We strive to enable students to meet professionals with many years of experience who share their professional experience with them. Our partnership with universities is also reflected in participation in projects and scientific work.

If you are interested in your university, faculty or organization being a partner of the SCC, do not hesitate to contact us.

V prípade, že ste členom SCC a radi by ste sa do niektorej z aktivít zapojili, kontaktujte Katarínu Bairovú.

V prípade, že nie ste členom SCC, ale radi by ste nás pri niektorej z aktivít podporili, alebo máte pre nás podnety, využite prosím náš kontaktný formulár.