Presentation of SCC

We are trying to raise awareness of compliance, about the compliance officer, and, of course, the Slovak Compliance Circle. Above all, however, we are trying to spread awareness of the importance and the state of business ethics in Slovakia.

We regularly participate in various professional events, where we present the goals, mission and activities of the SCC. In addition to events for the professional public, we also give presentations at universities. You can learn more about our activities with young people in Working with young people and academic community.

We cooperate with several Slovak and international organizations such as AmCham – American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic, Transparency International Slovakia, Pontis, Zastavme korupciu, ČCA – Czech Compliance Association, ENFCO – European Network for Compliance Officers.

We are also engaged in publishing activities. In cooperation with SCC, the publishing house C.H. Beck published the publication Criminal Liability of a Legal Entity and its Prosecution. For our association, Ľubica Vandáková and Ivan Skaloš participated in its preparation as members of the authors‘ team. The purpose of this publication is to provide guidance and a comprehensive interpretation of the Institute of Criminal Liability of Legal Professionals of the Professional Public, so that all affected persons can apply and use this institute. Therefore, it was conceived in a way that provides multiple views – substantive, procedural, legal, but also legal entity view, the building of the internal control environment and Compliance of the program helps to avoid criminal liability. The publication can be purchased in slovak language as follows:

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