Slovak compliance standards

in 2022 our publication has come to light, which, thanks to its professional focus, is the only one of its kind in Slovakia, as it deals with compliance issues that have not yet been described in the Slovak professional literature. The publication is the result of the collective work of the members of the Slovak Compliance Circle. Its content has been gradually formed by the authors since the very establishment of the association in 2013. The authors are leading Slovak compliance officers working mainly in multinational corporations, who have decided to share their professional experience with compliance issues, especially with members of the Slovak Compliance Circle. In the end, however, it turned out that the publication and its theoretical and practical significance can find its application in a diverse area of ​​risk management or corporate governance outside the membership base. Therefore, the team of authors decided to make this publication available to the general professional public in the form of a book publication. The aim of this publication is to bring the compliance officer’s view on compliance issues, to clarify the reasons for its necessity in private companies and to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with clear instructions for implementing specific processes. The publication is not an exhaustive compliance story, it has been built for years and is subject to trends or restrictions in regulated industries. The topic of compliance is primarily about corporate culture, values, integrity, transparency and trust built from the top. Therefore, we rely on this publication to be taken in the hands not only by company executives and managers, but by every single person who works with this issue. We hope that the publication will also appeal to students who are creating the future of the new business environment in Slovakia. We want this publication to appear on the tables of all those who promote ethical and moral principles in the business world on a daily basis.

You can download the publication in Slovak language here.

If you are interested in a printed version of the publication, please contact the secretary of the association at the e-mail address

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